Monday, April 24, 2017

Free publicity for businesses, farmers, non-profits, retailers, restaurants ..

Local media are always interested in what is going on in the community. Naturally, it may be a challenge to cover it because of personnel cutbacks. So, local TV, radio and newspaper need you to keep them informed.

Let's say you are a local business - perhaps a farm - and you have a new product to sell, or you have launched a new production method. Maybe you're using 3-D printers for the first time on your production line. Or, perhaps you have purchased new equipment to meet market demand. Or, perhaps the strawberries are getting ready to pick and you want to let people know.

Your local media outlets may find that interesting and would like to do a story on your company. Hey, it's free press.

Perhaps you're a retailer, restaurant or local attraction and you've expanded your hours for the warmer months. Don't you feel you need to tell someone? Share that with you local media outlets.

Or maybe your business has recently been sold. It's not just the tax department who would like to know. Your new owner may want to make the announcement, along with a ribbon cutting with the local chamber of commerce. New business is a huge event and needs local media attention.

Are you a non-profit with a new fundraising event? What are you trying to fund? How much money do you hope to raise? What are the event details? Can you send out a press release 3 weeks in advance to get pre-event publicity?

MARKETING TIP: Look inside your organization or company for information that can be used by local media. A news story is free publicity - and sometimes is posted online. That means it can reach your current and potential customers.

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