Monday, November 26, 2012

Promoting church events

For many religions, this is the time of year when there are a number of celebrations. Many are open to the public. However, most church pastors are not accustomed to having to promote an event. They will gather a group from their congregation to produce the festivities, but often times people forget to promote it.

Every church, regardless of size, should have someone in charge of publicity. That person should have a current list of area media, a list of deadlines and ad costs, email addresses and should maintain a photo file of hi-res images. Usually there is someone in the church who can take a decent photo. Churches should recruit that person to be the official photographer.

A photo sells a story better than anything. So send one photo along with a press release, flyer or announcement to print and broadcast media.

Taking a flyer or a photo to your local media outlet may or may not work. Most prefer a digital format. You should call first to find out. You may wind up saving yourself a trip.

MARKETING TIP: Churches, in particular, need to promote themselves, especially during seasons celebrating faith. Assign one person to be in charge of all publicity.

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