Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sales Going Down? Get in the Classroom!

One of the most important things you can do as a small business owner is keep current with the times. One way to do that is to take classes. Your local small business center, college or chamber of commerce offers classes you can attend in person or online. Usually, they're free.

One way to gauge if you need training is to look at your bottom line and your customers. If your bottom line is stagnant, that means it's not increasing - and your customers tend to be the same ones with no new faces - then it's time to spend some time in the classroom.

Business in 2013 is not what it was a few years ago - not even last year. As life changes, so must we as small business owners.

MARKETING TIP: You may have a fantastic product or service, but if people don't know about it, you may wind up getting a job instead of owning your own business. It's that simple.

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