Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reaching Your Mobile Audience

Mobile apps. You hear about them all the time, but are you using one? Yes, festivals, attractions and destination marketing offices can set these up to allow the traveling public easier access to their Websites.

So that means two things: 1) you need to keep your Website current and 2) you should consider setting up a mobile application.

And one more thing about your content ... I realize that destination marketing offices focus on overnight occupancy tax for funding and therefore often limit what they promote. But, I strongly feel there are unique community events that if promoted correctly, can become an overnight draw.

For example, there is an Oyster Shoot on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It's a local event and has no information on the chamber, CVB or state tourism Websites. However, because of the uniqueness of the event, it pulls in overnight traffic. This is an hilarious and fun event where you shoot a target to win a bucket of oysters. We oysters lovers will seek out opportunities September-April for some really good oysters and cold beer!

MARKETING TIP:  Invest in mobile apps. Keep your Website copy current and include events which are interesting and unique.

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