Friday, September 5, 2008

Signage Enhances Natural Resources - Pulls in $$$

The scenic drive along Nova Scotia's Cabot Trail is breath-taking. The mountains are very steep - and seem to rise straight out of the Atlantic Ocean. I was there several years ago and can't wait for a return trip. This time, signage along the route will tell me more about what I'm seeing and will be a help to all travelers.

World Famous Cabot Trail Sign at St. Ann

The Cabot Trail Working Association has embarked on a major signage program that includes directional, orientation and interpretative signage. The program will also place information kiosks in each of the eight regions on the Cabot Trail. The above sign is located at St. Ann’s, Victoria County, and is part of the project’s signage program. There are 3 more signs like this located in Indian Brook, Margaree Harbour and Nyanza.

The signage and kiosks program is a partnership between ACOA ICF Program, NS Tourism, Culture & Heritage, Municipalities of Inverness and Victoria Counties and Cabot Trail Working Association.

Another important part of the program is a market ready assessment that was conduct by Roger Brooks, Destination Development Inc, Seattle, Washington. On October 2nd, at Place des Arts Pere Ansel Chiasson ( new Auditorium, NDA School) in Cheticamp, Mr. Roger Brooks will present “Tourism Solutions for the Cabot Trail through the eyes of our visitors”, a result of the 5 day assessment of the Cabot Trail in July. He will present his findings and offer solutions to the challenges. For more information and how to register contact Kim Lemky, Cabot Trail Tourism Co-ordinator -
Marketing Tip: Good signage is crucial in telling your story to visitors, pulling them off the main thoroughfare into your town or to your attraction/event and increasing your local tourism coffers. The longer people stay in your town or at your attraction, the more money they'll spend.

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