Wednesday, May 31, 2006

June's Marketing Tip -- Update Your Records & Get More Volunteers

Volunteers like to offer their time and services to organizations who really appreciate their work - and give meaningful work. If they like what you give them to do - or at least make it fun - they'll return. And, they like to all be working towards a common goal ... kinda like driving in the same direction!

So, here's a project that will be a win-win.

If you're in the business of promoting a festival, event, attraction or destination, you probably have a list. It may include media in your area or across your state, travel writers, tour operators, group leaders, tour planners in AAA offices, travel directors for banks, senior centers and even THAT list goes on .... forever.

So, how do you keep track of it all? You probably can't. So, the best way to do so is to get a volunteer or a student intern to do it for you.

Telephoning isn't fun work, so you may want to make it a team effort. The more people working on the project, the quicker it can be completed - and you'll have volunteers asking to help you on your next project.

June Marketing Tip -- Update your customer contact lists by utilizing volunteers or interns.

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